Monthly Archives: September 2024

Martin Ferguson successful in strike out of £289,000 claim deemed an abuse of process for failure to follow the RTA Small Claims Protocol.

Published: 25/09/2024 | News

In January 2022 the Claimant had an accident when driving his Ferrari FF. His insurer handled the repairs which cost over £60,000 and the Claimant hired a succession of supercars on credit, including a Lamborghini, Mercedes and numerous Ferraris, costing over £220,000. As he claimed to have suffered minor whiplash injuries, his solicitors commenced a […]

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Outstanding Set for Diversity & Inclusion – Shortlisted by Chambers UK.

Published: 02/09/2024 | News

Farrar’s Building is committed to reducing or removing barriers at the Bar relating to disability, neurodivergence, age, ethnicity, social mobility, environment, sustainability and access to justice. Continuing the momentum of our achievements last year, when we were announced ‘Winners’ in the ‘Best ESG Campaign’ category at the Personal Injury Awards 2023, we are delighted to have been shortlisted by […]

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