By: Steve Gurnett

Matthew Hodson obtains injunction in the Chancery Division restraining advertisement of winding-up petition

Published: 22/06/2015 | News

Matthew Hodson was recently instructed in a case in the Chancery Division by a company seeking to restrain a winding-up petition. The case was advanced on the basis that there was a bona fide substantial dispute over the alleged debt. By reference to Ross & Craig (A Firm) v Williamson [2006] EWHC 880 (Ch) and […]

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Robert Golin successful in multi-track RTA claim

Published: 16/06/2015 | News

Robert Golin was instructed by Furley Page Solicitors to act for the Claimant, an HGV driver, following a road traffic accident in which the Claimant suffered physical and psychological injuries. The facts were that the Defendant’s car pulled out of a side road and collided with the Claimant’s oncoming HGV. Sadly, the Defendant suffered fatal […]

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Aidan O’Brien successful in disclosure application

Published: 12/06/2015 | News

Aidan O’Brien successfully made a disclosure application on behalf of the Defendant in a high value personal injury claim. The application required a Claimant to disclose a privileged expert’s report (‘Report A’) as a condition for the court’s permission to rely upon a later report, from a different expert in the same field (‘Report B’) […]

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Huw Davies successfully beats Part 36 offer at Quantum Trial

Published: 11/06/2015 | News

Following a four day quantum trial before the Designated Civil Judge of Worcester, HHJ Pearce-Higgins QC, Huw Davies successfully obtained judgment on behalf of Amey PLC below a Part 36 offer made nearly two years prior to trial in a claim pursued at over £1.4 million. The very unusual case involved moderate spinal injury to […]

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Restrictive Covenants Breach

Published: 10/06/2015 | News

Huw Davies obtained injunctive relief on behalf of a chain of hairdressing salons restraining a former stylist from breaching restrictive covenants within his contract following termination of his contract of employment and departure to a new salon.

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Costs Thrown Away

Published: 09/06/2015 | News

The court dealt with costs applications, including one under section 19 of the 1985 Act. The court observed that it was unclear whether a Judge dealing with a determination under section 19 could seek the assistance of the NTT or SCCO, however, given the likelihood that applications of this type are likely to increase suggested […]

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Successful strike out of claims in OLA Claim

Published: 08/06/2015 | News

James Pretsell and David Roderick achieved a successful strike out of the claims brought against two separate defendants in a multi-party Highways Act / OLA claim. The C sustained an injury as a result of a trip and fall which took place outside a prominent pub on the Thames Path at Blackfriars Bridge. The trip […]

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Hannah Saxena successfully defends an RTA claim brought by motorcyclist

Published: 01/06/2015 | News

Hannah Saxena successfully defended an RTA claim brought by motorcyclist against a truck driver. She appeared in Bow County Court defending a claim brought by the Claimant who came off his motorbike after colliding with a London Borough of Waltham Forest refuse truck that was turning out of a minor road into a major road […]

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