By: Steve Gurnett

How regular is regular? The final word in Platt v Isle of Wight Council [2017] UKSC 28

Published: 06/04/2017 | News

The final round in the infamous case of Platt v Isle of Wight Council has now been decided. The result? It’s bad news for parents hoping for a cheap term-time hop to Disney and good news for local authorities and Head Teachers everywhere. The Facts This is the case in which a single father opted […]

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Nigel Spencer Ley secures £3.3million settlement for cauda equina syndrome claim

Published: 04/04/2017 | News

Nigel Spencer Ley has secured what is believed to be the highest settlement in the UK of a claim for cauda equina syndrome. Damages were agreed at £3.3million. In 2011 the Claimant was a 33 year old vet. He presented at an Accident and Emergency Department complaining of symptoms of cauda equina syndrome. Despite suggesting […]

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Tom Bourne-Arton successful in Court of Appeal case Elson v Stilgoe

Published: 03/04/2017 | News

Tom Bourne-Arton has successfully acted for the Defendant/Respondent in an appeal, heard by the Court of Appeal, against the decision to dismiss the Claimant/Appellant’s claim for personal injuries, loss and damage in a road traffic accident Facts The Appeal concerned a road traffic accident involving a cyclist that was passing stationary and/or slow moving traffic […]

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Out and about: Travel Law in a Post-Brexit Landscape

Published: 30/03/2017 | News

Current practitioners in travel law live in interesting times. On 16th March 2017 the Queen gave the European Union (Notification of Withdrawal) Act 2017 Royal Assent following overwhelming support for the bill in the House of Commons. As most readers will be aware this Act gave the Prime Minister the power to notify the EU […]

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Claims for Injury to Feelings do not benefit from QOCS protection

Published: 28/03/2017 | News

At a hearing in front of HHJ Melissa Clarke at Oxford CC, Huw Davies successfully obtained declarations on behalf of an Oxford College that damages for injury to feelings are not damages for personal injury for the purposes of CPR 44.13. Consequently, the Claimant’s claims brought under the Equality Act 2010 did not benefit from […]

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Howard Cohen successfully defeats fraudulent claim worth £250,000

Published: 23/03/2017 | News

Howard recently fought a 1.5 day trial at Central London County Court successfully defeating a fraudulent claim arising from a road traffic accident that occurred in 2015 in Harrow. The Claimant alleged that he had slowed and stopped in heavy traffic when the Defendant collided into his rear. The Defendant argued that the Claimant slammed […]

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Rajiv Bhatt successfully obtains a strike out of a Claimant’s appeal in the Employment Appeal Tribunal

Published: 08/03/2017 | News

Rajiv acted for the Respondent in the case of Kamara v MCCH UKEAT/0221/16/RN. MCCH is a charity that provides support to people with learning disabilities, autism and mental health needs. Mr Kamara was employed as a case worker. In September 2014, a complaint was made by the mother of a service user about the manner […]

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Geoffrey Williams QC succeeds for SRA in two notable Divisional Court appeals

Published: 08/03/2017 | News

In Ballard v SRA (2017) EWHC 164 (Admin) the Divisional Court (Beatson LJ & Nicol J) considered the case of a Solicitor who sought to circumvent a condition on his Practising Certificate preventing sole practice by purporting to act as a McKenzie Friend or Exempt Person before a Magistrates’ Court. The Judge stated: ‘I accept […]

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