By: Steve Gurnett

Life sentence for defendant who beat his girlfriend to death, Paul Lewis QC prosecuting

Published: 22/02/2017 | News

Paul Lewis QC acted successfully for the prosecution in a murder case, in which the Defendant received a life sentence with a minimum term of 18 years imprisonment, after beating his girlfriend to death. The Defendant, Jordan Matthews, pleaded guilty to manslaughter but denied murder. He was subsequently found guilty of murder by a jury […]

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Students want bang for their buck: Private law claims for breach of duty in the field of educational provision

Published: 13/02/2017 | News

Students want bang for their buck: Private law claims for breach of duty in the field of educational provision   The news that an Oxford graduate is suing his alma mater following his failure to achieve his desired degree results should come as no surprise. Tuition fees have risen sharply over the past decade, changing […]

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Howard Cohen looks at School Admission Appeals – the current situation

Published: 06/02/2017 | News

Office of the Schools Adjudicator Report 2015-6: Admission Appeals – Where are we now? Howard Cohen analyses the Office of the Schools Adjudicator’s (OSA) Annual Report for 2015/6 and what this means for admission appeals. Introduction The Office of the Schools Adjudicator (OSA) is the arms-length body formed by the Department of Education in 1999 […]

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Georgina Crawford in Menary v Darnton which sets new ground in fundamental dishonesty appeal

Published: 05/12/2016 | News

What happens when a claimant is not the root of the dishonesty but the claim is nonetheless dishonest? Georgina Crawford was instructed by Aviva in the case of Menary v Darnton, on appeal on behalf of the defendant. In the case, HHJ Hughes provided a welcome judgment which gave a more detailed clarification on fundamental […]

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Rajiv Bhatt lectures on Disability Discrimination at Cardiff University’s ‘Disability Talking’ event

Published: 28/11/2016 | News

Rajiv Bhatt and Jenna Ide of Thomas Mansfield Solicitors gave a lecture at Cardiff University on disability discrimination.  The lecture was delivered at the University’s ‘Disability Talking’ event which was part of the Economic and Social Research Council’s Festival of Social Sciences 2016. The event launched a short film which consisted of first hand accounts […]

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Christopher Quinlan QC appointed World Rugby Judicial Panel Chairman

Published: 25/11/2016 | News

Christopher Quinlan QC has been appointed as the World Rugby Judicial Panel Independent Chairman. He will take up the position on 1st January 2017 and he will be responsible for the appointment and management of World Rugby’s Judicial Committees and judicial officers, including Rugby World Cup, for which Quinlan himself has served as judicial officer […]

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Changez Khan is successful for the Claimant in a 7-day disability discrimination trial

Published: 08/11/2016 | News

Changez Khan acted successfully  for the Claimant in a 7-day trial on disability discrimination (heard at Central London Employment Tribunal). The Claimant was diagnosed with stress, anxiety and depression. This was exacerbated by an excessive workload and personal issues with his line manager. Amongst other things, it was alleged his line manager made repeated sexual […]

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Geoffrey Williams QC wins ACCA Appeal

Published: 07/11/2016 | News

Geoffrey Williams QC recently represented Mr AT, an accountant in an ACCA appeal (Association of Chartered Certified Accountants).  The accountant was deprived of his audit license by a Committee of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) after a contested hearing. A written application for permission to appeal was refused by a Chairman on the […]

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