John Meredith-Hardy

He is very responsive, thorough and a good tactician." "He is hugely reliable, very consistent with his advice and truly exceptional in his attention to detail.

Chambers and Partners

John Meredith-Hardy

  • Called in 1989

Property Damage

John receives instructions in property damage claims and related recovery actions following damage by flood, fire, explosion, storm and theft. Underlying causes of action include breach of contract, negligence, nuisance and Rylands v Fletcher.

Instructions include those relating to product liability and the Electrical Equipment (Safety) Regulations 1994, Sale of Goods Act 1979, Supply of Goods and Services Act 1982, Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977, Consumer Protection Act 1987 and Consumer Rights Act 2015.

John provides seminars on property damage, subrogated recovery and product liability claims.

Examples of cases undertaken:

Bowmer & Kirkland v SPI – acting for the insurers of a product manufacturer in defence of a subrogated claim following an explosion at a building site allegedly caused by defective products; claim discontinued after service of the insured’s defence

Knowlton v (1) UK Insurance (2) BANE – acting for the insurers of a country house where subsidence in consecutive years caused significant damage to the neighbouring highway resulting in litigation between the insurer, the insured and the highway authority

TRW Pension Trust & others v Indesit & others – acting for the insurers of a component manufacturer in defence of subrogated claims following a fire allegedly caused by a dishwasher located at commercial premises causing widespread damage to commercial buildings, computer servers and contents

Gage v Barnard – acting for insurers in a subrogated claim following the spread of fire between domestic premises following negligent work being undertaken by roofing sub-contractors

London Borough of Redbridge v Theori Investments Ltd – acting for the defendant in a recovery claim; claim discontinued following service of the defence & application to strike out

Thorpe v Cruze & Gallantree – acting for insurers in defence of a subrogated claim following the destruction of neighbouring thatched premises by fire where liability and causation were in issue.

Property damage instructions have included:-

Acting for the insurers of commercial property following a fire caused by a re-charging battery used for plant operated at the premises

Acting for the insurers of contractors in a recovery claim following a flood at a newly built college and in relation to the liability of sub-contractors, JCT Design & Build Contract 2011 terms, Third Parties (Rights against Insurers) Act 2010 and Civil Liability (Contribution) Act 1978

Acting for the insurers of domestic property in relation to a recovery claim against builders who had caused a fire whilst undertaking hot works at the premises

Advising the insurers of commercial premises following the catastrophic spread of fire from neighbouring commercial premises after a burglary and intentional or accidental fire setting by trespassers causing high value property damage

Acting for a manufacturer of decorative radiators and its insurer in a claim for water damage following an alleged defective manufacture of goods

Acting for a maintenance company of commercial oil pumping equipment and its insurer in a claim for damage caused by escaping oil following an alleged defective provision of services

Acting for an electrician and insurer in a claim for property damage by fire to premises in Scotland following alleged negligent work and in circumstances where co-insurance and JCT Option C applied

Acting for electrical sub-contractors and its insurers in defence of a subrogated claim following a fire causing damage to high value residential property that was allegedly caused by negligence

Advising an insurer on the recovery of its outlay following flooding to the highway and the escape of water into third party premises causing insured loss

Acting for road traffic insurers in defence of a recovery claim by public liability insurers following an accident at work caused by plant connected to a work vehicle

Acting and advising road traffic insurers in a claim for the recovery of damages for loss of use of a commercial vehicle following an insured’s road traffic accident

Advising insurers on policy coverage following the sale of car, Road Traffic Act 1988 s.151 & 152 and the effect of Fidelidade-Companhia de Seguros SA v Caisse Suisse de Compensation (C-287/16) [2017] RTR 26

Advising road traffic insurers on RTA 1988, s.151(8) recoveries against the uninsured negligent driver and the insured passenger who permitted the driver to drive the vehicle

Advising road traffic insurers in a claim by Highways England Company Limited for the recovery of damages for property damage to motorway infrastructure following an insured’s road traffic accident

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Notable Cases

Tynefield Care Ltd & others v New India Assurance Ltd
Instructed by insurers where claims avoided for inter alia breach of duty of fair presentation of risk; insured’s claims dismissed and declarations ordered that all six policies avoided from inception

Keogh v Shakier & others
Acting for the MIB by its alleged Article 75 insurer where another insurer was stated to be on cover and Consumer Rights Act 2015 s.49 & 50, CIDRA 2012 & ICOBS were in issue

TRW Pensions Trust v Whirlpool & others
Acting for the manufacturer of components for dishwashers in a product liability claim following a fire at commercial premises

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Edmunds v W.L. Vallance Ltd
High Court trial on liability and quantum with regard to an accident at work allegedly resulting in brain injury; acting for the defendant & the claim was dismissed

NIG v Hussain & others
Recovery claim pursuant to Monk v Warbey, Article 75, the Road Traffic Act 1988, s.151 and the MIB Uninsured Drivers Agreement

AAA by her litigation friend BBB v MIB & another
Settlement of £4 million plus interim payments of £357,725 for a brain injury sustained in an RTA when age 2 & age 21 on date of settlement.

XP v (1) Compensa Towarzystwo SA (2) Bejger
High Court trial relating to, inter alia, apportionment of damages following consecutive road traffic accidents, the first in Poland followed two years later by an accident in the UK.

Nusantara Energy Ltd v Healey
Breach of company director’s duties, director’s negligence and breach of fiduciary duty.

Jesmin v WH Smith Retail Holdings Ltd
Chronic pain claim for substantial damages dismissed after a trial and damages awarded for minor soft tissue injury.

UK Acorn Finance Limited v Vincent
Agricultural mortgages & a claim for Consumer Credit Act 1974, s.140B relief.

SWT Ltd v Hind & Steel
Issues concerning liability for trees by an occupier and the duty of care owed by a tree surgeon to third parties.

Bardsley v Dovehaven Nursing Home
Successful defence of a claim for negligent care by a nursing home.

CICA claim for a victim of child abuse resulting in brain injury and spastic quadriplegia.

Carmichael & Sons (Worcester) Ltd v NIG
Insurance indemnity claim successfully defended following a land slip.

Pilcher v Stan & Others
Advance fee fraud, freezing injunctions and recovery of 'money had & received'.

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If you would like to instruct John Meredith-Hardy or would like help or advice in doing so, please call and talk to our excellent clerking team, led by Chief Executive/Director of Clerking, Paul Cray. Our phone number is +44 (0)20 7583 9241. Alternatively, please email us at

For more information about our clerking team, please click here for the clerks page.

Appointments & Memberships

Professional Negligence Bar Association
Personal Injury Bar Association
Western Circuit


Education & Qualifications

1987 MA (Hons) History & International Relations (St. Andrews)
1988 Diploma in Law (Central London)



“John Meredith Hardy is one of the best commercial counsel I have come across. He is truly exceptional with a deep understanding of insurance law. He has a keen eye for detail and leaves no stone unturned in his quest for an answer to a client’s problem. He is simply the best.”


Directory Quotes

John is ranked as a Leading Junior for Personal Injury in both Chambers UK and Legal 500. Testimonials include:

“John is very thorough and compelling in high-value and demanding claims.” Chambers UK

“John is very thorough, organised and capable. His technical skills are superlative. He is just the person to instruct in a complex quantum dispute.” Legal 500

“John is incredibly intelligent and grasps details quickly. However, his advice is always accessible to clients.” Chambers UK

“John is the safest of hands. He is extremely responsive and accommodating.” Chambers UK

“John is incredibly bright and tactically astute.”  “He has notable experience in cross-border claims.” Legal 500

“He is very strong on technical matters and very commercially aware as well.”

“John’s attention-to-detail is second-to-none and he is an excellent advocate.” Legal 500

“His attention to detail is fantastic and his advice on high-value claims is always sound.” Chambers UK

“Faultless in terms of his knowledge on motor policy coverage issues.” Chambers UK

“Once instructed he immerses himself completely in the case, considering all aspects so as to best advise.” Legal 500

“He is very responsive, thorough and a good tactician.” “He is hugely reliable, very consistent with his advice and truly exceptional in his attention to detail.”

“Very good technical counsel in relation to both specific laws and regulations and also figures, but marries that to very strong practical and pragmatic advice.”

“He is very thorough, hard-working and possesses an incisive intellect”

“He shows meticulous attention to detail”

“He has great attention to detail and makes sure no stone is unturned”

“He has an excellent legal mind, and a charming and natural rapport with clients”

“He is great on drilling down into the details, has a robust but sympathetic approach with clients and prepares excellent schedules of loss”


Personal Interests

  • Motor cycling
  • Sailing
  • Mountaineering & ski touring
  • Paragliding and other adventure sports