Peter Savory

Peter Savory

  • Called in 2018

Credit Hire

Peter is regularly instructed for both Claimants and Defendants in credit hire matters in both small claims and in higher value fast track matters. He is well-versed in all the usual case law, as well as dealing with deficiencies in evidence and the challenges that may arise. He also has had success for Defendants in abuse of process claims and resulting cost matters. At the appellate level he has appeared in permission to appeal hearings and provided advice and written materials for the same.

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If you would like to instruct Peter Savory or would like help or advice in doing so, please call and talk to our excellent clerking team, led by Chief Executive/Director of Clerking, Paul Cray. Our phone number is +44 (0)20 7583 9241. Alternatively, please email us at

For more information about our clerking team, please click here for the clerks page.

Appointments & Memberships

Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn

Personal Injuries Bar Association

London Common Law and Commercial Bar Association

Association of Personal Injury Lawyers



Education & Qualifications

2018: BPTC, BPP University, assessed Very Competent

2017: Bachelor of Laws LLB, Open University, First



Gray’s Inn Annual Moot and 3RB Advocacy Prize – Winner (2018)

The Times / 2TG Annual Moot – Winner (2017)

Previous Employment

Peter has had an extensive career in commercial music specialising in large-scale touring projects. He has worked widely in Europe and Asia, and had considerable success opening up the new Chinese market. Latterly he was the Managing Director of one of London’s leading music agencies.

Personal Interests

Away from the law Peter is a slow but persistent runner, having recently completed his first marathon, and plays the trombone.