
Robert Golin appears in the EAT in case involving TUPE Regulations

Published: 05/09/2016 | News

In October 2015, Robert represented the Claimant (“C”) at a preliminary hearing in the case of Turner v (1) ALNO (UK) Ltd & (2) SJM Kitchens & Bathrooms Ltd. The preliminary hearing was held in order to determine whether or not C’s employment had transferred from SJM to ALNO. In brief terms, a franchise agreement […]

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Probate Guide – The substantial validity of Wills

Published: 30/08/2016 | News

Following on from the first installment of the probate guide in which Aidan O’Brien’s guide to the formalities which must be complied with in order to ensure the formal validity of a will, this next article in the Probate Actions Guide series produced by Farrar’s Building considers two grounds of challenge to the substantial validity […]

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Christopher Quinlan QC, Ian Unsworth QC & Bonike Erinle nominated as World Rugby Panel Members

Published: 03/08/2016 | News

World Rugby has appointed Ian Unsworth QC to be a Judicial Officer and Bonike Erinle as an Appeals Panel member. They join Christopher Quinlan QC who was reappointed a World Rugby Judicial Officer and member of the Appeal Board. He also acts as Judicial Officer for 6Nations, European Professional Club Rugby and the RFU. He is […]

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Insurance Law: Collateral Lies – What constitutes a ‘fraudulent claim’? Versloot Dredging BV & anor v HDI Gerling Industrie Versicherung AG & ors [2016] UKSC 45

Published: 21/07/2016 | News

 Significance:  The Supreme Court has determined that the ‘fraudulent claim rule’ – which dictates that an insured is prevented from recovering under a contract of insurance where their claim is fabricated or exaggerated – does not extend to claims where ‘collateral lies’ or ‘fraudulent devices’ exist, provided the claim is justified and the lie has […]

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Four Sentenced for £100 Million Film Tax Avoidance Scheme

Published: 30/06/2016 | News

Four men were sentenced on Friday 24th June on charges of conspiracy to cheat the public revenue having cost the taxpayer £100 million by using tax relief measures set up by the government to encourage investment in the British film industry. Keith Hayley, Robert Bevan and Charles Savill were each sentenced to 9 years imprisonment […]

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Kumulchew v Starbucks – Rajiv Bhatt acts in a case which raises awareness of dyslexia

Published: 22/06/2016 | News

Last September Rajiv Bhatt successfully acted for Miss Kumulchew in an 8 day disability and sex discrimination, victimisation and whistleblowing claim against Starbucks. Miss Kumulchew is an employee at Starbucks who has dyslexia. The effects of which mean that she has difficulty with certain aspects of reading including numbers. This was known to her line […]

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Tom Bourne-Arton successful in having case directed to the Attorney-General

Published: 22/06/2016 | News

Tom Bourne-Arton was recently successful in having a case directed to the Attorney-General to consider whether to commence contempt of court proceedings pursuant to CPR 81 – following a successful application for permission to enforce costs following the Claimant’s discontinuance on the basis that the claim was fundamentally dishonest. The case involved a road traffic […]

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Howard Cohen features on Radio 4’s Today programme

Published: 20/06/2016 | News

On Friday 17th June 2016, Howard Cohen was interviewed by Justin Webb on Radio 4’s flagship Today programme about fighting dishonest compensation claims. Media interest in this topic arose following Howard’s involvement in a seminar organised by the Institute of Psychiatry (part of King’s College, London) entitled, “Liars, Cheats and Malingerers.” The purpose of the […]

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