
Aidan O’Brien succeeds in Summary Judgment application for Defendant insurer

Published: 02/07/2015 | News

Aidan O’Brien was successful in a Summary Judgment application for a Defendant insurer. The Defendant insurer had provided house insurance for a number of properties owned by the Claimant landlord. In 2008, Police raided three of the insured properties and discovered that they had been converted into cannabis farms. The tenants were all of Vietnamese […]

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Robert Golin successful for the defendant in a fallen tree case

Published: 01/07/2015 | News

Robert was instructed by Plexus Law to act for two of the defendants in a claim arising from damages caused by a fallen tree. The claim was dismissed at trial. In December 2011, a mature oak tree, which was situated on farm land owned by D1 and D2, fell onto C’s property causing damage. C […]

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Christopher Quinlan QC chaired the RFU disciplinary panel in the first regulation 17 case

Published: 29/06/2015 | News

Christopher Quinlan QC, chaired the Rugby and Football Union (RFU) disciplinary panel in the first case brought under regulation 17; that of Phil Blake. Phil Blake, the former Leicester defence coach, was banned for six months and fined by the RFU after having been found guilty of two breaches of regulation 17 (anti-corruption and betting). […]

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James Pretsell successful in defeating substantial claim for damages in Laxmidas v Metroline Ltd

Published: 25/06/2015 | News

James Pretsell represented the Defendant at trial in the case of Laxmidas v Metroline Ltd before HHJ Gerald sitting at Central London County Court. The Claimant brought a claim for substantial damages alleging that he had sustained significant back injuries in an accident at work. The liability had been admitted but the Defendant contended that […]

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Hannah Saxena successfully resists an application to add a Second Defendant to part 20 case

Published: 23/06/2015 | News

Hannah Saxena appeared for a part 20 Defendant in a multi-track claim involving a six car accident on the motorway. The Claimants were bringing a claim against the driver of the vehicle directly behind them, who in turn brought Part 20 proceedings against the driver of the vehicle that the Claimants were passengers in. With […]

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Matthew Hodson obtains injunction in the Chancery Division restraining advertisement of winding-up petition

Published: 22/06/2015 | News

Matthew Hodson was recently instructed in a case in the Chancery Division by a company seeking to restrain a winding-up petition. The case was advanced on the basis that there was a bona fide substantial dispute over the alleged debt. By reference to Ross & Craig (A Firm) v Williamson [2006] EWHC 880 (Ch) and […]

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Robert Golin successful in multi-track RTA claim

Published: 16/06/2015 | News

Robert Golin was instructed by Furley Page Solicitors to act for the Claimant, an HGV driver, following a road traffic accident in which the Claimant suffered physical and psychological injuries. The facts were that the Defendant’s car pulled out of a side road and collided with the Claimant’s oncoming HGV. Sadly, the Defendant suffered fatal […]

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Aidan O’Brien successful in disclosure application

Published: 12/06/2015 | News

Aidan O’Brien successfully made a disclosure application on behalf of the Defendant in a high value personal injury claim. The application required a Claimant to disclose a privileged expert’s report (‘Report A’) as a condition for the court’s permission to rely upon a later report, from a different expert in the same field (‘Report B’) […]

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