Industrial Disease

Farrar’s Building has a national reputation in industrial disease work. Members are instructed in cases throughout England and Wales and at all levels from regional county courts to the Court of Appeal.


The industrial disease team within Farrar’s Building specialises in the full range of disease litigation including asbestos, dust, noise induced hearing loss (NIHL), acoustic shock, hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), work-related upper limb disorder (WRULD), occupational stress, dermatitis and Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) claims.


Members have been instructed in complex group litigation and in test cases with wider ramifications. Knowledge, wisdom and experience are shared within the team. In consequence our members are comfortable with the specific issues that present including actionable exposure levels, the prevailing statutory regimes, the state of industry knowledge and the application of Sections 14 and 33 of the Limitation Act 1980 with its wealth of case law.