
Rugby World Cup 2015: Christopher Quinlan QC appointed Judicial Officer

Published: 14/09/2015 | News

Christopher Quinlan QC has been appointed a Judicial Officer for the Rugby World Cup 2015 and will form part of the tournament’s disciplinary team. The team is responsible for all disciplinary matters and has been selected from 11 nations worldwide. The team comprises 11 citing commissioners, 10 judicial officers and four appeal officers.

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Joshua Hedgman settles High Court pensions claim

Published: 13/08/2015 | News

Joshua Hedgman has been instructed in a High Court pensions claim which had been proceeding in the Queen’s Bench Division. The Claimant had worked for a public sector employer when he sustained injury in a road traffic accident causing serious cognitive deficit. He was dismissed from that employment and duly brought proceedings in the Employment […]

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Successful dismissal of a liability admitted claim

Published: 11/08/2015 | News

Tim Found was recently successful in case which resulted in the dismissal of a liability admitted claim. He represented the defendant in a case where his client had reversed into the claimant’s parked vehicle. Liability was admitted but causation and quantum were in dispute. The claim was served on the cusp of limitation along with […]

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Christopher Quinlan QC appointed a Barrister Governing Bencher of Inner Temple

Published: 03/08/2015 | News

Farrar’s Building is delighted to announce that Christopher Quinlan QC has been appointed a Barrister Governing Bencher of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple following the Trinity term elections. Governing Benchers, who are elected to govern the Inn, are responsible for managing the property, supervising the finances and deciding the policy of the Inn. […]

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Robert Golin successful for amateur golfer

Published: 29/07/2015 | News

Robert was instructed by Plexus Law on behalf of the Defendant, an amateur golfer, who caused damage to a car when he mishit his drive on the 14th hole. His ball started relatively straight but faded to the right, over a hedge and onto a road, where it landed on the bonnet of the Claimant’s […]

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Leighton Hughes secures acquittal of defendant in Paedophile ring case

Published: 28/07/2015 | News

Leighton Hughes yesterday secured the acquittal of a key defendant ina paedophile ring case (“Operation Moccasin”) at Norwich Crown Court. The trial lasted over three months and following a five year police investigation. The case involved a large paedophile ring involving 11 defendants and allegations of deviant behaviour including repeated rape and raffling of children. […]

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Davies v Forrett & Ors [2015] EWHC 1761 (QB)

Published: 22/07/2015 | News

Davies v Forrett & Ors James Plant appeared for Mr Partington (“C2/D2”), a second claimant / second defendant driver in a consolidated matter (the main claimant Mr Davies (“C1”) being his passenger), following an accident where another driver’s actions caused their car to leave the road and crash into a tree. The court was required […]

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A sea change in QOCS?

Published: 03/07/2015 | News

Bonike Erinle represented the Defendant in two separate, but related claims, in which the Claimants had filed and served Notices of Discontinuance on the Defendant shortly before trial. The Defendant had resisted the claims on the basis that the Claimants’ claims in respect of personal injury and related losses were not only belatedly intimated but […]

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