
Aidan O’Brien & Bonike Erinle are appointed to the RFU Disciplinary Panel

Published: 11/07/2014 | News

From September 2014, Aidan O’Brien and Bonike Erinle will sit in London as Rugby Football Union Judicial Panel Members at disciplinary hearings involving both on and off-field conduct at Levels 1-5 of the game. Click here to read more about Aidan’s and Bonike’s practices.

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The end and the beginning of a new era…

Published: 09/06/2014 | News

The end of an era… On 31st of March 2014 Gerard Elias QC retired from practice at the Bar after a long and distinguished career. Gerard was called to the Bar (I) in 1968. His pupillage at Farrar’s was memorable, for his co-pupil was Elizabeth Kenyon: as Gerard puts it “But for a pupillage with […]

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Joshua Hedgman successful multi track property trial

Published: 20/05/2014 | News

Joshua Hedgman was recently successful in multi track property trial which raised issues as to the construction of a covenant for the benefit of an easement. Claimant landowner who was suing for a contribution for works to a driveway over which the Defendants’ enjoyed a right of way. By covenant in deed, the Defendants’ were liable […]

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Farrar’s Building ranked as a ‘leading set’ in the 2014 directories

Published: 01/12/2013 | News

Farrar’s Building is delighted to announce that it continues to be ranked as a leading set and with a number of its silks and juniors also listed as leading individuals. Chambers UK Known for its bench strength, this set has over 30 members working in the personal injury team, and offers an impressive breadth of […]

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Howard Cohen obtains multiple awards of damages against 16 fraud claimants

Published: 17/10/2013 | News

Howard Cohen was recently successful in obtaining awards of exemplary damages against 16 fraudulent Claimant car drivers and passengers involved in a “slam-on” fraud ring, following 9 separate collisions. In Tasneem & Ors v (1) Morley & Ors (2) Direct Line Group, tried at Central London County Court on 30th September 2013 before Her Honour […]

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Construction trial raises issues as to scope of an agent’s authority

Published: 16/10/2013 | News

Joshua Hedgman was recently instructed in a construction trial which raised issues as to the authority of a managing agent in ordering extra works. Joshua was acting for a groundworks contractor that was engaged over 2010 and 2011 to carry out the substructure works of a redevelopment in East London. The Defendant occupier had argued […]

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The Wales & Chester Circuit Elections

Published: 05/10/2013 | News

Paul Lewis QC has been elected as the Leader of the Wales and Chester Circuit. He will take up office on 1st January 2014. Michael Mather-Lees QC has been elected as the Treasurer of the Wales and Chester Circuit. He will take up office on 1st January 2014.

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Successful defence of school finance officer charged with conspiracy to defraud

Published: 04/10/2013 | News

Paul Lewis QC recently led the successful defence of a school finance officer charged with conspiracy to defraud Brent Council of large sums of public money. The defendant, a qualified accountant, had been the subject of a lengthy enquiry by both Brent Council and the Metropolitan Police. His trial was due to last up to […]

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